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The Biochar Journal is dedicated to the open source philosophy and all our articles are freely accessible. However, to make this journal possible and to sustain the editors and writers, we need your help and participation.

To make it easiest for you, we propose a model based on what the Journal is worth for you. We believe our readers know best what each article and the existence of the Biochar Journal is worth for them. Some are more prosperous and others less so, but all may know what amount is suitable and just. Donate to the Biochar Journal and help to build the knowledge for a more carbon intelligent world.

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The Biochar Journal - independent, financed by its readers, free from advertising 

We publish in-depth, visionary, scientifically reviewed articles on biochar and its multifaceted uses. We further publish reviews of new results from biochar science, biochar technology, books and other publications. You will soon find a selection of the finest biochar videos and interviews with outstanding people who are shaping the future of biochar.

We are investigative journalists. We not only write what we read and hear saying in an hour or two, but do on our own the experiments and trials that spark all these new ideas to be published in tBJ. We may have white-collar shirts on but we write with black hands. Each article is based on craft and research, perseverance and inspiration, failure and experience.

The Biochar Journal will be kept free of commercial advertising. And to stay independent, we do not accept any sponsorship agreements from the growing biochar industry. We are proud to be financed only by the good will and enthusiasm of our readers. Help us prove that this idealism can work by choosing one of the three formulas, or giving an individual amount to help sustain the Biochar Journal and its contributions to the development and deployment of biochar around the world.

The Ithaka Institute, publisher of the Biochar Journal, is a not for profit foundation. The amount you choose is tax deductible in Europe and soon also in the US. Please contact us for any questions, propositions or trouble with the payment process or if you like to discuss a more individual donation.


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